Conceived of as a celebration of portraiture in the 21st century, Two Faced unfolds over two sections and offers an interesting, unique and often amusing look at the art form. The first section of the book showcases a selection of portraits in various mediums by wellknown artists. The second section then sees these image-makers divided into pairs and charged with the task of producing each others portraits. The wide variety of artists involved spans many disciplines and includes Marion Deuchars, David Shrigley, Michael C. Place, eBoy, Rankin, Simon Henwood, Stella Vine, Ian Wright, Paul Willoughby, and filmmaker Shynola. How did each artist respond to their subject and to their task? What does each image reveal about both the sitter and the artist responsible? Find out in Two Faced, not simply a collection but an art project that celebrates the notion of cultural exchange through the talents of some of the most in-demand artists of our time.