Graphic design as a formal discipline is in constant flux. In recent years, its productive relationship with adjoining disciplines such as illustration and graphic-inspired three-dimensional installation art have further escalated the development of the discipline. This evolution has in turn raised the bar for cutting-edge graphic design.
Regular examines and documents the current state of graphic design, identifying the most visionary young designers at the top of their game with examples of their progressive manifestations in the printed form. Wide-ranging in nature: from poster design, book and magazine editorial design as well as typography, the projects showcased in this book are characteristically underlined by a Neo-Conservatist and Deconstructivist approach. Many of the designers included in the book intentionally manipulate and distort traditional rules and ideas with a playful and experimental verve.
Regular presents this new generation of creative excellence from countries such as Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands, synonymous with a minimalist tradition and precision of detail from France, Great Britain and the USA. Through abundant visuals and illuminating texts accompanying each featured project, and a foreword by François Rappo, renowned typographer and teacher at ECAL (Ecole cantonale dart de Lausanne), this expansive volume provides an in-depth look at the state-of-the-art of contemporary graphic design.