Having exhausted the possibilities for geographic colonial expansion, as well as reaching the fiscal limitations of virtual space, capital begins its invasion of a new frontier -- organic molecular space.
The Critical Art Ensemble began mapping this development in Flesh Machine (Autonomedia, 1998) by examining the use of reproductive technologies and their promise for achieving an intensified degree of control over worker and citizen. The Molecular Invasion acts as a companion to this first book by mapping the politics of transgenics, and offering a model for the creation of a contestational biology, as well as providing direct interventionist tactics for the disruption of this new assault on the organic realm.
"The Molecular Invasion is an indispensable user's guide for anyoneinterested in the critical thinking and practice of biotech as a social, scientific, and political phenomenon. Whether in the genetic transgressions of the "fourth domain," the "promissory rhetoric" of utopian science industries, or the networks of "transgenic production," CAE offer us a bio-praxis: Tools for an open, critical engagement with biotech." -- Eugene Thacker
"Another significant contribution from CAE in their ongoing mission to confront global capital wherever it makes mischief. In this volume, CAE outlines the ways and means to resist (endo)colonization on the molecular front with ideological disruptions, in combination with a practical "contestational biology." -- RTMark
In this just-in-time homeopathic cocktail of a book, CAE (the accident that's already happened!) calls on radical subjects to contest thegreatest colonial enterprise yet: The corporate molecular invasion ofthe DNA of humans, plants, and other living organisms. With incisiveclarity, CAE calls on informed amateurs and activists to do theirhomework and fight corporate science with science! See you at the publiclab. -- subRosa
"Brilliant! Replaces general fears of genetic engineering with specificstrategies for resistance, and public impotence with tools for directaction.... but the recipes made us nauseous." -- Institute for Applied Autonomy